About Me

Allison Lamoureux is a young science communicator with a passion for curiosity and sharing her love of science with others. 

She aims to help inform people about misinformation and disinformation and help them learn how to spot it. Allison believes in the importance of empathy when discussing misinformation. She hopes to help future generations learn how to navigate a world where misinformation, disinformation, and even A.I. can disrupt the accuracy of information they encounter. 

Allison also has a passion for science stories - not just the facts of the science but the who, how, and why of the science. By sharing not just the science but also the stories of the people who do the science, why they do it, and how it was done, Allison hopes to bring a new perspective to science to engage both science lovers and science newcomers alike. From the search for life outside of earth to how antibiotic resistance came to be, Allison wants to share the stories behind the science she loves with those eager to listen.

Her capstone work focuses on how to communicate science when science fails. She hopes to help fellow science communicators more effectively communicate science failures by analyzing two cases of science crises in the aerospace industry and proposing practical tips and considerations for science communicators.

Allison strives to be empathetic, kind, and calm in her work to provide a relaxing and gentle form of science communication. With a background in customer service, Allison understands the importance of being patient, empathetic, and kind when bringing new information to an audience. By incorporating these lessons and her own friendly and gentle personality, Allison wants to make science more relatable and approachable to people with a curiosity for science. 

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